Transparent Ceramics: Basic Principle & Process of Dry Pressing Molding Technology

Nov 04 , 2024

As a new material with excellent optical properties, transparent ceramics have shown great application potential in optical Windows, laser devices, high temperature sensors and other fields. In the process of its preparation, molding technology is one of the key links, which directly affects the performance and quality of the final product. Among the many molding methods, dry pressing has become a popular molding method in the preparation of transparent ceramics because of its simple operation, low cost and high production efficiency. This paper aims to discuss the basic principle, operation process and application of dry pressing technology in the preparation of transparent ceramics, and analyze how to improve the quality of ceramic blank by optimizing the forming process.


High-performance transparent ceramics


The basic principle and process of dry pressing

By placing the powder (which can be adjusted by adding an appropriate amount of solvent) after ball milling granulation treatment in the mold, applying a certain pressure to form a ceramic green with a specific shape and strength.

The method is easy to operate, suitable for the production of small size and simple shape of transparent ceramic samples, and has significant cost benefit.


Type and density distribution of dry pressing

Dry pressing is divided into two kinds: one way pressing and two way pressing. One-way pressing applies pressure from one side only, while two-way pressing applies pressure from both sides.

In the process of dry pressing, the density of the material near the pressure side is higher, and the density away from the pressure side is lower, resulting in uneven distribution of the density inside the body. This phenomenon requires strict control of the molding speed to reduce the density difference and ensure the quality of the ceramic blank.


Strategies to optimize the dry pressing process

In order to obtain high quality transparent ceramic blank, it is necessary to optimize the molding parameters, such as adjusting the pressure, molding speed and mold design, so as to improve the density uniformity inside the blank.

The use of advanced mold materials and design, as well as the precise control of particle size distribution and water content in the powder treatment process, is also an effective way to improve the dry press molding effect.


To sum up, the dry pressing technology occupies an important position in the field of transparent ceramic preparation with its unique advantages. Through in-depth understanding of the basic principle of dry pressing, combined with the accumulation of experience and technical innovation in actual operation, the problem of uneven density distribution inside the blank body can be effectively solved, and the finished quality and performance of transparent ceramics can be further improved. In the future, with the continuous progress of material science and molding technology, dry press molding technology is expected to play a more critical role in the preparation of transparent ceramics and other advanced ceramic materials, and promote the sustainable development and innovation of related industries.


Часто задаваемые вопросы

Хотя наше основное внимание уделяется современным керамическим материалам, таким как оксид алюминия, цирконий, карбид кремния, нитрид кремния, нитрид алюминия и кварцевая керамика, мы постоянно изучаем новые материалы и технологии. Если у вас есть особые требования к материалам, свяжитесь с нами, и мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы удовлетворить ваши потребности или найти подходящих партнеров.

Абсолютно. Наша техническая команда обладает глубокими знаниями в области керамических материалов и обширным опытом в проектировании продукции. Мы будем рады предоставить вам рекомендации по выбору материалов и поддержку в разработке продукции, чтобы обеспечить оптимальную производительность вашей продукции.

У нас нет фиксированной минимальной суммы заказа. Мы всегда ориентируемся на удовлетворение потребностей наших клиентов и стремимся предоставлять качественные услуги и продукты независимо от размера заказа.

Помимо керамических изделий, мы также предоставляем ряд дополнительных услуг, включая, помимо прочего: услуги по индивидуальной обработке керамики с учетом Ваших потребностей с использованием заготовок или полуфабрикатов, изготовленных самостоятельно; Если вы заинтересованы в аутсорсинговых услугах по керамической упаковке и металлизации, свяжитесь с нами для дальнейшего обсуждения. Мы всегда стремимся предоставить вам универсальное решение для удовлетворения ваших различных потребностей.

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